Friday, August 28, 2009

7 Twitter Best Practices, for Dummies

1. Do unto followers as they did unto you. (uhh.. follow who follows you!)
2. Cull the "Herd". Use to surgically remove spambots and constant retweeters who don't actually share content.
3. Use the @GuyKawasaki method of "share something interesting" not what are you doing now?
4. Show some Personality. 90/10  or 80/20 business/personal
5. Just because you can schedule tweets to happen every hour, doesn't mean you should. I know you are not putting out educational info at 2am, 3am. 4am..6am. Don't you ever sleep?
6. Say thank you to people who Retweet or Mention you!
7. Want to be Retweeted or Mentioned? Retweet and Mention.
Got more? add a comment below!

1 comment:

  1. Thx for the early #FF this week (@spkrinteractive).

    Here are some more Twitter best practices your readers might like:
